Thursday, July 10, 2008

OK so I admit it, i am really bad at this blog stuff. I'm updating my blog for my sister in law who wrote me a comment telling me it was time. I just don't really think that my life is that exciting I'm not sure what to write but there has been a few things that have happened like Dev finally Graduated with his Masters in June we are so excited and very proud of him. He is a pretty busy guy any way I think he is wondering where he found the time do home work. Jake took swimming lessons a few weeks ago it was not so fun the first few days but he grew to like it so much that the last day of his lessons he was jumping of the diving board. I did not like that but Dev told me relax! So the 4Th came really fast and I had another birthday.......I'm staring to not care to much for my birthdays, I think that come with getting older. I usually pull out the birthday card about 3 weeks prier to my birthday. Making sure Dev doesn't forget that its my birthday there for, he has to be extra nice and helpful around the house and oh ya give me what ever I want for my birthday, but this year I was way better, he even noticed that I wasn't abusing the birthday card this year......who knows maybe I'm maturing little by little in my old age! ya right .