Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Jake loves the computer lately, anytime we are on it he has to be part of the action

Jake shaving just like daddy

Jakes first nap in the big boy bed


hoLLY said...

What a cutie!!

Crystal said...

Only a month left, how exciting! I am glad Jake likes his new bed just in time for the baby. I tried to add you to my blog again but I lost your e-mail address. I made my blog public for a little bit so leave it on my page. By the way thanks for bringing my order over, I love my new cooking supplies!

anne said...

Jace is too cheap to get Aliyah a big bed. :( Hello, she's almost 2 1/2. Well, I'm glad it went smoother than you thought. :)

And Yay for almost being done with the pregnancy. I hear ya, just get her out! :)

Maybe we'll see you at the State Playoffs. We're planning on coming.